In everyone’s best interests and safety, we have decided to postpone our classes until it is safe and things get back to normal (whatever that means).
I hope everyone is safe and getting through this as well as can be expected. ~xod
Keep an eye on the website or sign up for our mailing list (check the right sidebar for the signup form) for eBlast updates on upcoming classes and special events.
Dan Willmott
Good News!! Live VAP (Voice Actors Place)
this Sunday 5pm on Facebook with
Virtual Dan Willmott
We’ll do warm-ups (yep fun for the whole family!)
We’ll work on BAD words and getting through minefields plus some exercises you can do at home to get you through isolation boredom.
To join in this session, go like VoiceSpot’s Facebook page and ensure you switch the notifications on to keep up with the latest posts.